Hi Guys, when I slide the cover off the main camara, after a short delay I get the above message. I've tried restoring the original phone settings but it hasn't made any difference. I'd appreciate any suggestions. Many thanks
- i have encountered this problem and I went to the Nokia Care near me... They have reflashed the firmware and the girl who fixed it showed me the camera works. Then I was off, but after a few steps I tried the camera and the "hardware failure: restart camera" message popped up again. What she did is to remove the memory card and tried the camera and what do you know? the camera worked! So I reformatted my memory card and everything is well in the world again.
- there is problem inside ur phone. better solution u should take it technician, if ur phone is under warrenty then take it to nearest nokia care. ur phone need to be repaired.
- Its the camera slide, not the phone. I have one with the same problem. Simply stick a bit of blue tack on the battery by the contacts for the camera, place the cover back on, and the problem goes away. Its dodgy contacts, thats all.